Hearin' Aid- Starring Damon Frost and Aaron Phiri. When I first heard these guys I was like WO! After the first listening I couldt dance, cook food, eat, sleep, weep or brush my teeth without it! This is some crazy bouncy ish for your jelly to wiggle n jiggle along with! Some peoples call it funkhop n I guess thats what it is, some funkalicious dirty hiphop with stardust sprinkled on top. This is a modern classic, yummy like pastry. N for those who didnt know, Damon is one crazy gifted dancer aswell. Hes been battlin plus judging in battles so hes the real deal. Aaron masters the art of freestylin in an amazin way! ye what more can I say? This is IT.
Check the rhyme:
SUPAHUMANS- This duo consists of Supadude and PointFive. Their music makes me feel like im floating around in a spacebubble.Sometimes the flows of Supadude brings back memories of the golden trio Digable Planets. Ah, how I love that sound! Yet again, this is some nordig spacey hiphop for yall to check out! How come were so spacehopey up north??
Thou shall listen to: