Ok ok so im back upon this page again. Its been a while..Mainly cause Ive been too busy reading other peoples blogs, workin on some tunes, folding tees and chillin in my sofa( the softest one in east LDN say whaaat!)..Anyway. Just thought id stop being so lazy and write a lil something. So, whats the latest?
* Madlib The Beat Konducta- WLIB AM: King of the Wigflip. Madlib gettin the gravy on!
* www.freshselects.net go Kenny goooo!
* Samon Kawamura- Unfold.
* RBMA just started n Im goin in exactly 13 days. Keep up with the news at www.redbullmusicacademy.com
* As always, every saturday 1 (ish)- 3 PM Alexander Nut is bringin the nicest tunes with special guests on rinse FM for your sleepy weekend ears to hear.. Go: www.rinse.fm to dig through the podcast archives on the blog..
All right, thats it for now. take care folks!