Thursday, 3 April 2008

Deviation last night

Oh my word! Deviation last night was magnificent!

The day went like this:

Me n Mo was chillin in the Crackney drinkin mango juice n eating bread n then came Sir Mike Slott a.k.a The castle direct from Dublin! The three of us chilled a little bit more n then I made som classic vegetable dish with ehmm cous cous, carrots, green beansprouts n mushrooms! delicious! :) After that the bwois went through some stuff for the live set but there wasnt that much time left before souncheck so after a wee bit we had to leave the house.

A lil bit later...

We were all gathered at Grammaphone. I met Musinah for the first time wich was cool. shes a glorious character! funny gal..well..we went through some stuff for the set..then we had some tasty thaifood. I ordered green curry with coconut milk, tofu, vegetables n lemongrass. I'll never forget that curry.

A lil bit later...

We (me, hudson mohawke, mike slott, musinanah n olivier daysoul) played n it was trés cool. people were kinda chilled maybe because of the insence n christmaslights (bigup deviation interior design crew!!), anyways think we all had a really good time. after the set musinah went on again to sing some tunes from the Daybreak album (go cop!) with Benji B behind the decks..n then Om'mas keith from supafreakin SA-RA stepped up on stage. oooh! When he sang Hollyood n Glooooorious! It was like a heaven sent gift! Dopeness to the highest degree! Yes yes yes! I had a mighty good time last night. Bigup Deviation crew!!!

Im callin all rythm skankin dancefloor prankin basslovin melody hummin peoples alll round the world! If you're in London when Deviation is on, do yourself a favour n pop by!