Im listening to this and thinking abut food. And the music that hopefully will be created later on.
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Ok so im back in freezing cold LDN and im soooo tired. The plane got delayed 6 hours in cameroon and then I had to wait for 3 hours in Paris for the flight to LDN. I am knackerrrred!! Came home, started washin some clothes, ate some mushroom noodles, made some tea, started watchin some cameroonian zouk dvds and then idlewild but I never got to see the endin cause the dvd got mad and started to live its own life. Ill watch it tomorrow i think cause my eyes cant barely stay open now zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz goodnight world! see you soon!
f x
Monday, 18 February 2008
Ok the battery on my laptop is runnin looooooow now so ill just write a bit. Just came back from the market, gots some music n some stuff u can eat mmmm tell ya later n ehhmmm some textile dedicated to the womens day! oki oki got some shakers n some flutes that i tried to master yesterday in my room heh i have a looong way to go..or blow. anyways! its time to leave! i feel dizzy like a rascal. jokes. ha. ha. ha. ok ok the heat is makin me unfunny, dry like the desert. better bounce!! take care n ill see yall sooooon!
f x
f x
Just finishedmy breakfast n some chill time with the band in the lobby. In the background I hear the sounds of some hmmm cameroonian (?) music and Euronews on the tv, its about bobsleigh now and it's en francais! Outside thehumid wind is blowing in the palmtrees and a calm atmosphere is in the air..
I need to go to my room now and pick up my luggage because we're leaving for the market at 11.00 (wich is in 5 min!!!!gotstaaa goooooooooo!!!!) n hopefully pick up some nice pieces..maybe some nice music and some Hollywood chewing gum with clorophylle mmmmm they've been my favourites ever since i was a kid!
Ok my friends, time to leave now. See yall laters!! Have a wonderful day and remember to treat peoples/animals/ the way you'd like to be treated!
///Fatimosa Samosa
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Im sitting in my friend Mothoni's room, we're tryin to ignore the horrible cheesy poolband outside but its hard, gosh its hard! Now they´re doin some kind of acoustic funk inspired thing with wannabe James Brown (R.I.P) shouts n tings "ooooh yee common give it to me!! riiiiii! yiihaaa!"..Geeeez some peoples just don't know when to be quiet n let the silence rule or the birdsingin get the attention..Anyways, i can't complain too much cause I'm in CAMEROOOOOOOOON! N I just ordered room service, un plate aven pomme frittes! Et une bouteille du l'eau (might be spellin things wrong, but anywaaaaays). Ha! The music outside is "fantasticly horrible, probably an artform" as Mothoni's puttin it. WORD. On the telli there's nothin good but really, who cares? I didnt come to Africa to watch videos anyways..
Yesterday I got up round 0.8.00, had some breakfast and met up with the band. We went to Palais De Congress a.k.a the mecca of suits n ties. The auditorium, where the stage was situated, was in 70's style n the atmosphere was somewhat serious n what do u call it, a bit dry. Heh. Anyways, we had to wait for like 3 hours to soudcheck cause the sound engineer was late and the folks that were supposed to put everything together knew nada bout cables, drum kits etc. After soundcheck we went to the hotel to chill for a bit, then we went back to the venue. The show went well I must say! It was niiiiiice! When we started off, the audience were kind of stiff but I think we made them loosen up cause we had quite a lot of folks dancin towards the end of the show! Big up to the crowd! Fun times. After that we went back to the hotel then out to a restaurant for dinner. At the restaurant we had to wait over 1 hour without the sight of any food so we left but as we were walking away we got stopped by the staff of the restaurant that argued and convinced us to come back. After a few minutes of discussion we all went back to a half empty table, all the food were still not there. I even re-ordered but never got my plate. Anyways, after that some of us went out clubbin n some went to the hotel. I usually love goin out but i was too hungry so I went back to my room to eat fries and avocado. Recorded some ish, watched some videos, fell asleep n woke up round 12. Now im still in Mophoni's room, we're going out soon. We're gonna get a tour round Yaoundé, interesting...I'll keep yall posted!
//Fatttyyyyyygal en afrique
Yesterday I got up round 0.8.00, had some breakfast and met up with the band. We went to Palais De Congress a.k.a the mecca of suits n ties. The auditorium, where the stage was situated, was in 70's style n the atmosphere was somewhat serious n what do u call it, a bit dry. Heh. Anyways, we had to wait for like 3 hours to soudcheck cause the sound engineer was late and the folks that were supposed to put everything together knew nada bout cables, drum kits etc. After soundcheck we went to the hotel to chill for a bit, then we went back to the venue. The show went well I must say! It was niiiiiice! When we started off, the audience were kind of stiff but I think we made them loosen up cause we had quite a lot of folks dancin towards the end of the show! Big up to the crowd! Fun times. After that we went back to the hotel then out to a restaurant for dinner. At the restaurant we had to wait over 1 hour without the sight of any food so we left but as we were walking away we got stopped by the staff of the restaurant that argued and convinced us to come back. After a few minutes of discussion we all went back to a half empty table, all the food were still not there. I even re-ordered but never got my plate. Anyways, after that some of us went out clubbin n some went to the hotel. I usually love goin out but i was too hungry so I went back to my room to eat fries and avocado. Recorded some ish, watched some videos, fell asleep n woke up round 12. Now im still in Mophoni's room, we're going out soon. We're gonna get a tour round Yaoundé, interesting...I'll keep yall posted!
//Fatttyyyyyygal en afrique
Friday, 15 February 2008
I woke up in my hotelroom at 0.8.00 and the first thing I saw was the amaaaaazing view from my window. I went out on my balcony and observated mother earth and her beautifulness. Then I took a shower and went down to the restaurant to eat the breakfast buffé. I walked into the room n saw the band sittin round a table eatin croissants n drinking tea (amongst other delicassys). It was really nice to finally meet the people IG's been tellin me about ever since he invited me to this trip. Some deep breakfast conversations, papaya, croissants, pineapple and more green tea it was time for us to leave the hotel. A cab picked us up and took us to a venue that was some kind of cultural center i think. We started the rehearsals and then we went for lunch and I ate ricdiculous amounts of plantain, again!! After that the rehersals continued and then we went back to the hotel. I went trough the tunes with mophone, a singer in the band, n then i ate some fake pringles called krackle or somethin plus some bisquits...right now im sittin on the balcony at the hotel. theres some party goin on, think someone rented the place. Peoples are really dressed up, well not everyone but aspecially the women. It looks as if there on their way to prom or somethin. Nice nice. Haaa! Someone just offered me a drink through a waitress that just explained it to me! heh. I kindly denied the offer cause I aint got time for no romance with middleaged men! Me gots work to do and stuff to write n crisps to kill. So far this trips been really nice, weathers fiiine but the heat makes you a bit dizzy n tired but i cant complain nonono! Ok tomorrow its rehersals at 10.00 and then lunch and ish n the show is between 3-9 pm , think theres some other things goin on at palais de congres that evening aswell, exhibitions etc! Ok peoples pray for me and I shall do the same for yall! I'll keep you posted! N oh, one more thing..Sorry bout the lack of photos. I haven't got a camera but theres photo thats been taken but ill do all in my power to try n sort somethin out....anyways...take care yall!!!
Fatima x
Fatima x
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Finally here!!
Oh my gooshhh! The adventure started little more than 24 hours ago in Crackney, LDN when i got picked up by a cab that then went to pick up IG n then brought us to Heathrow where we catched our plane to Paris. Thing is, the plane got delayed so when we finally got to Paris we almost missed our plane to Yaoundé, Cameroon! The peoples from Air France were all over the place babbelin in french bout god knows what, they looked like panicin hens on some farm! Afrter a few minutes of drama we got on the right plane in the last minute! On the plane i had delicious mango juice, toblerone, compotte de pommes (amie knows!!!), bread, some chocolate bisquit ehmmm some risotto n water! n then i watched different filmes n the simpsons on the mini tv i had...when the plane finally stopped me n IG left n felt the warm african weather blessing our wintercursed skins! Then someone said that we had to get back on the plane again cause apparently our stop was 30 min we had to get back on the plane again n wait for another 40 min or so n then after departure we landed in about 10 min maximum! Finally in Yaoundé we landed safely but we had one more obstacle to face, where were our luggage??? Someone told us that it wasnt there at first but then when me n my dear planemate was about to start prayin, the bags appeared n we took a taxi for about 45 min (luckily i had pringles in my bag, we were starvin!!) until we got to the Hilton hotel! Now im sittin in the lobby, just had some delicious plantain, vegetables n rice n coke that I ordered from roomservice! Need to go to sleep veeery soon cause im gettin up tomorrow for rehersal with the band! Can't wait! One wierd thing, an old friend of mine from stockholm is here too! I haven't seen him in aaages, apparently his dad is some kind of professor n he here for work..might hook up if i get the time, or else he might come to the show on saturday! wooord! ok ppls, bigup to you guys that had the energy to read all this!! seee yall soon!
Ohh!! One more thing! The show is on saturday 16/2 n the adress is: Palais des Congres Yaoundé. Time: 3 pm to 9 pm! cost: 1500 Fcfa
so if you're in the area you're welcome to dance to the rythms n melodies of Bring The Noise!!!!
///Fatima xxx
Oh my gooshhh! The adventure started little more than 24 hours ago in Crackney, LDN when i got picked up by a cab that then went to pick up IG n then brought us to Heathrow where we catched our plane to Paris. Thing is, the plane got delayed so when we finally got to Paris we almost missed our plane to Yaoundé, Cameroon! The peoples from Air France were all over the place babbelin in french bout god knows what, they looked like panicin hens on some farm! Afrter a few minutes of drama we got on the right plane in the last minute! On the plane i had delicious mango juice, toblerone, compotte de pommes (amie knows!!!), bread, some chocolate bisquit ehmmm some risotto n water! n then i watched different filmes n the simpsons on the mini tv i had...when the plane finally stopped me n IG left n felt the warm african weather blessing our wintercursed skins! Then someone said that we had to get back on the plane again cause apparently our stop was 30 min we had to get back on the plane again n wait for another 40 min or so n then after departure we landed in about 10 min maximum! Finally in Yaoundé we landed safely but we had one more obstacle to face, where were our luggage??? Someone told us that it wasnt there at first but then when me n my dear planemate was about to start prayin, the bags appeared n we took a taxi for about 45 min (luckily i had pringles in my bag, we were starvin!!) until we got to the Hilton hotel! Now im sittin in the lobby, just had some delicious plantain, vegetables n rice n coke that I ordered from roomservice! Need to go to sleep veeery soon cause im gettin up tomorrow for rehersal with the band! Can't wait! One wierd thing, an old friend of mine from stockholm is here too! I haven't seen him in aaages, apparently his dad is some kind of professor n he here for work..might hook up if i get the time, or else he might come to the show on saturday! wooord! ok ppls, bigup to you guys that had the energy to read all this!! seee yall soon!
Ohh!! One more thing! The show is on saturday 16/2 n the adress is: Palais des Congres Yaoundé. Time: 3 pm to 9 pm! cost: 1500 Fcfa
so if you're in the area you're welcome to dance to the rythms n melodies of Bring The Noise!!!!
///Fatima xxx
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Hey there peoples of the world!
I've been invited to be a part of a show called Bring The Noise! Forgot to tell yall bout this before..Im actually leaving my house tonight to fly to Cameroon early early thursday morning!
I'll write more about this later on, but since i'm in a rush to get out of my house and get some essentials from the pharmacy i'll just paste some info that I copied from British Concil's website:
"Bring the Noise Concert is a fusion of musicians, artists and film makers from all over Africa and the UK brought together to collaborate, create and perform.
Selected artists have been exploring issues of identity, culture and heritage resulting in a number of new pieces of work which will be performed across Africa and the UK. Bring the Noise is one of several projects that aim to increase appreciation of African music in the UK and to highlight the power and beauty of creative fusions in the arts resulting from the criss-cross of influences between Africa and the UK.
The artists involved in the project have collaborated to produce new pieces of work that will bring together visuals and music. This work will be for the very first time live in Uganda at the Bring the Noise concert.
Bring the Noise Concert is one of the activities under Africa 2007, a British Council programme of cultural interaction to connect people in Africa and the UK. It is s aimed at people who want to engage in improving relationships. It builds new perceptions and dialogues through an exploration of identities, cultures, histories, and language, by using different media, ground-breaking activities and new networks. Africa 2007 connects professionals, artists and young people, through a celebration of diversity"
I'll keep you posted!!!
Fatima x
I've been invited to be a part of a show called Bring The Noise! Forgot to tell yall bout this before..Im actually leaving my house tonight to fly to Cameroon early early thursday morning!
I'll write more about this later on, but since i'm in a rush to get out of my house and get some essentials from the pharmacy i'll just paste some info that I copied from British Concil's website:
"Bring the Noise Concert is a fusion of musicians, artists and film makers from all over Africa and the UK brought together to collaborate, create and perform.
Selected artists have been exploring issues of identity, culture and heritage resulting in a number of new pieces of work which will be performed across Africa and the UK. Bring the Noise is one of several projects that aim to increase appreciation of African music in the UK and to highlight the power and beauty of creative fusions in the arts resulting from the criss-cross of influences between Africa and the UK.
The artists involved in the project have collaborated to produce new pieces of work that will bring together visuals and music. This work will be for the very first time live in Uganda at the Bring the Noise concert.
Bring the Noise Concert is one of the activities under Africa 2007, a British Council programme of cultural interaction to connect people in Africa and the UK. It is s aimed at people who want to engage in improving relationships. It builds new perceptions and dialogues through an exploration of identities, cultures, histories, and language, by using different media, ground-breaking activities and new networks. Africa 2007 connects professionals, artists and young people, through a celebration of diversity"
I'll keep you posted!!!
Fatima x
Sunday, 10 February 2008
I can't stop listening to The Bird And The Bee!
Song: The Carol Of The Bells performed by The Bird And The Bee
Video: Random pics someone on youtube put up..
Friday, 8 February 2008
The Bird and The Bee- La La La
Im listening to the magical sounds of The Bird And The Bee while eating noodles. Just got a phonecall that made me oh so happy!!! ZZZZZZZZZ gotta sleep soon but first I need to brush my teeth. Nite my fellow nightwalkers.
Monday, 4 February 2008
the only cure
The only cure against the itching is ice! Im sitting in my sofa with a black binbag filled with icecubes against my throat. Oh noooo now my left foot just fell asleep aswell! This evening is pure misery. Im going to sleep as soon as the ice starts melting!
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